About Us

Your Faithful Electronic Components Supply Chain Partner
Leading online electronic components store – ISO9001 :2008 , ISO14001 certified. Specializes in offering a wide range of obsolete and common-used electronic parts , also offers cost-effective alternative solutions. Providing online linecard, inventory with 250+ MFRs, 5000Parts+ , 38Mpcs Inventroy

We are electronics component service provider.

Our main products include sensors, filters, positioning and communication modules, current/voltage detecting modules, MCU, OPAMP, power management, logic devices, interface circuits, MOSFETs, IGBTs, relays, connectors, fuses, crystals, precision resistors and inductors

Express Access is a one-stop service provider focusing on the agent, distribution, solution development of electronic components. Headquartered in Shenzhen, the company covers Asia, Europe and the United States. Our products include sensors, positioning and communication, MCU and interface logic, analog parts, DC/DC, LDO power supply, MOSFET, IGBT discrete devices, relays, connectors, fuses and crystal oscillator, resistors, capacitors and inductors.

We provide customers with comprehensive services from selection, samples, technical support to mass production and supply. Applications include industrial automation,instrumentation, power supply, automotive electronics, medical care, communication and Internet of Things and other fields.